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Digital Marketing for the deathcare
industry. Funeral homes and cemeteries 
can increase preneed and at-need sales
through effective, personalized, and exclusive content. 

Why hire

In 2008, I began to study social media. Over the years I have created large audiences and online followers. In addition to earning a Google certificate in Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce, I've learned the techniques needed to engage and grow brands. 


As a licensed Funeral Director since 1985, I understand the funeral business and the demands the funeral industry has for deathcare providers. I have helped many funeral homes' social media grow and attract new families to serve. My extensive business background and funeral industry knowledge are a great combination to assist funeral homes in growing their online brand and presence. 


Let’s talk. Expect results.

Yours Truly, 

E. Todd Fowler
Licensed Funeral Director and Social Media Pro

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There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.

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